Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Curriculum Committee

- 2024/08/22
 Curriculum Committee
Overall responsibility
Curriculum development, review, renewal, and recommendations
Must be approved by the Department Council
Frequency of meetings
At least one meeting per semester

Terms of reference
The functions of the Curriculum Committee are to:
  • Monitor and review the department’s academic programs and curricula to ensure that they run in compliance with the university's vision, quality requirements, academic accreditation standards, the demands of the job market and the latest developments in the fields of literature, linguistics and translation.
  • Propose the development or establishment of academic programs based on a comprehensive analytical study that illustrates the justifications for whatever step taken and the necessary benchmarking.
  • Develop different diploma programs that serve the needs of the job market, especially those related to the field of Hajj and Umrah.
  • Conduct an annual review of the department’s programs and curricula as mentioned in the university’s Procedural Guide for Program Preparation, second Edition.
  • Cooperate with the university’s alumni unit and monitor the program's suitability for the job market.
  • Work with the academic guidance committee to identify and find solutions to the challenges facing students in the program.
  • Work closely with faculty members and take their observations and suggestions regarding the programs and curricula into account.
  • Regularly review the program's mission and objectives as stated in the Program Accreditation Standards file.
  • Regularly assess the effectiveness of the textbooks used and offer alternative titles to the departmental council if those textbooks are found to be not suitable for the students’ needs or level.
  • Regularly review the course specifications and make suggestions that would improve the quality of the course and its compliance with the latest developments in the fields of literature, linguistics and translation.

Committee Members:
Committee Chair
Committee Vice Chair
Dr. Amani Makkawi
Dr. Abdullah Balbaid
Dr. Enas Filimban
Dr. Jumanah Abu-Sulaiman
Dr. Khadija Assulaimi
Dr. Nada Alotaibi
Ms. Tahani Basnawi 